Friday, July 18, 2014

Another sleepless night...

The closer we get to Qatar, the less sleep I seem to get.  I'm functioning, but I'm pretty sure I look like I've been run over by something fast that didn't look back. 

The kids and I got back from visiting family in MI yesterday.  I forgot their airbeds, sheets, and all of M's clothing [fail].  P and I are on couches, while M and A are in our queen size airbed.  We woke up this morning, got ready, I dropped P off at her best friend's house, and M and I ran errands... for 6 hours.  He was a champ, totally did better than I did.  We ran to the local kids' consignment shop first and got him a few outfits for the few days we are spending here before heading back to MI.  He was totally geeked to find a shirt from the Qatar Foundation (soccer shirt)!

We (this means I) scheduled P's birthday party along with our farewell to the Fort (Ft. Wayne) party for this Sunday.  M and I ran all over town gathering the supplies we needed to make P's celebration awesome and to entertain and feed 50ish people.  I'm a quality time person and I keep wondering how I am going to manage the party details plus getting to see and chat with everyone in only 3 hours.  It's important because this will be the last time we see most of these people before we leave [sniff sniff].  I'm doing most of the prep work tomorrow, so that I can actually enjoy the party.  This means I need to get up and get going in the morning, but here I am (2:00am) blogging instead of sleeping...

I'm tired, my eyes droop, I feel sleep coming... and then.  Nothing.  The kids will be up in 5 hours, so I'll be up in 5 hours, and yet I can't get to sleep.  I went to my doctor just for a consult before we leave and he suggested some medicine to help me sleep.  I've tried taking it, but it doesn't seem to have much effect.  I can only hope that when we arrive in Qatar I don't need to sleep for a month straight. 


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