Friday, August 8, 2014

Shout Outs

 Although I am not ashamed to share how I feel with people, I am not a person who gets overly-emotional. When we said our goodbyes in Fort Wayne, however, I was often overcome with emotion. Being in FW was an incomparable experience for us in our lives. Personally for me, it was a unique journey of growth both personally and professionally.

So below are a few shoutouts to people that matter to us, in no particular order. Without a doubt, they matter to others as well. But specifically I/we appreciate you for the following reasons:
  • To the M's -- Our very first neighbors in FW who befriended us from the start. You are the kindest, most loving people we've ever met. Your continual care for us and others is an inspiration to us and a standard seldom met by anyone else anywhere. We treasure you. You will always hold a very special place in my heart, in K's heart, and in P's and M's hearts as well. We look forward to our regular Skype updates from overseas! 
  • To B and M -- Your devotion to people has encouraged us throughout the years. It is clear that P and M adore you and will miss spending time with you and enjoying B's silly antics. We hope you can make a trip over for a visit at some point, but in the meantime we'll have to stay in touch through Facebook and other means.
  • To B, C, and Baby E -- It is a true pleasure spending time with you every time we see you. Your venture into parenthood has been quite a journey, with some ups and downs, but I personally have enjoyed seeing you thrive as Baby E grows (too quickly). B and M, you're doing a great job, not only as parents, but as friends, family members, and a couple. Here's to a continued journey of blessing and grace!
  • To C, G, and Baby MK -- You have been such a great addition to our extended family, via Garage Sale. K has truly enjoyed your friendship and P and M have had lots of fun with G. Especially during difficult times for us and for you, you have been a great encouragement. I, for one, greatly appreciate the contribution you've made in K's life to make it more full. "It takes a village" not only to raise a child, but simply to live a full life. Without you, our lives would be less full.
  • To R, E, M, and Baby A -- Craigslist to the rescue! I'm so thankful for a friendship forged through a classified ad! Saying that you're close friends is an understatement. You are family and always will be. Thank you for play dates, real dates, cookouts, birthday parties, and just hanging out. Your friendship to all of us cannot be appreciated enough. 
  • To J -- It hasn't been long since we've known each other, but we've had short introductions to lifelong friendships. I don't think this one is any different. We cannot thank you enough for all you've done: Your help, your support, your service, and your care. Anyone who appreciates what you do will quickly see your devotion and might get to enjoy your friendship as well. I know we have and will continue to enjoy it! Let's stay in touch!!
To my irreplaceable FWCS family. As I was ending my time at FWCS, I would often tell people that I am certainly replaceable. In fact, I've already been replaced. But you, on the other hand, are not irreplaceable. You have contributed to my life in ways I am unable to express.
  • To NB, KT, LK, and VD -- I never truly knew what it meant to work well as a team until I met you. From N's leadership, to K's support with open, effective communication, to L's passion, to V's attention to detail, I enjoyed you all. I'm thankful that whoever has or will replace me will enjoy this team as well. It made all the difference for me as I worked hard with you to support the students of FWCS. I can't wait to come back next summer to hear about all the great work you've been able to accomplish!
  • To EO and LW-S -- You are two of the most positive, encouraging people I've ever worked with. It truly matters. Your attitudes are contagious and uplifting. Thank you for challenging me to be more optimistic and productive. 
  • To KB -- I still don't know how you do what you do. Juggling everything your job entails while managing some difficult personalities and situations. I admire your ability to do what you do without letting the job change who you are. Our conversations together were always enjoyable, regardless of the circumstances. Thank you for all your hard work.
  • To AP -- I'm glad you are where you are. I've told you this before, but you'll do well. It'll definitely grow your patience, but we all need some of that. Enjoy the journey more than the product; it makes things more fun.
  • To all the district coaches -- I learned so much from you and hope that schools continue to enjoy the support you provide. You are much appreciated, not only by me, but many others, I'm sure.
Thankfulness, gratitude, celebration, and joy fill my heart when I think of you. And it is right for me to feel this way. The more I breathe, the more I see of the beauty of the highest of all creation: YOU.

This will end my sappy, overly-emotional babblings. But it was worth it.

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