Friday, August 8, 2014

A demonstration for anyone who needs space.

I have had several questions about what we use to pack all the clothing and cloth type stuff that we have.  It takes up loads of space, but doesn't necessarily weigh all that much.  I use these for anything cloth (including stuffed animals, pillows, blankets, clothing, towels, etc..).  I have found that the ones on are the best value, but I haven't been to every store (if you find cheaper ones, let me know). These are great just for traveling, not necessarily moving (of course that works too).

I like them because:
I can pack a lot in them.
They are reusable.
You can vacuum the air out OR pump it out for travel purposes.  I bought this one to use and it's easy enough for the kids to use.  I'll take it in case we are traveling and don't have a vacuum or in case the customs officials need to open them and we need to get the bags back in. 
They are heavy duty - my kids have jumped on them to remove air and no breakages. 

Here's are two videos for you to see :) So easy, even an 8 year old can do it!

The pile of clothing.
Stuffed into a medium bag.  It is really stuff, so it doesn't collapse as much as blankets, pillows etc.

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