I find myself weary these days. Weary of the packing. Weary of the farewells. Weary of lists and thinking. Weary of my kids transitioning. Weary of imagining life without my friends and family. Just weary.
There's no way around everything we're doing right now. We've made a decision and this goes along with it. I'm looking forward to the adventure, the learning, the growing.. All of it really, but today the weariness has made me exhausted. It probably doesn't help that it's rainy and gray. Luckily I had a sweet girl who turned 5 today to keep me focused on the important things.
We started our day with coloring, bikes, sidewalk chalk, and puzzles. Well, the kids and A did, I cleaned, organized, and packed. I got almost everything into the 8 pieces of luggage, packed the kids' carry ons, and worked on our carry o
ns too. I'm starting to think it may actually come together!
After lunch, we went to the pool for a fun time before the rain rolled in. The kids LOVE to swim, so it was a perfect birthday activity. A quick nap, some veg out time, and then dinner, cupcakes, and presents. It's always a joy to see your child's face light up. I never get enough of the excitement they feel when they are celebrated.
We have another day of farewells tomorrow... 3 more sleeps until we sleep on the plane!
R running off the diving board. |
In she goes! |
In she goes! |
P doing her cannon ball. |
No fear! |
Jumping to daddy. |
Two peas in a pod. |
Who doesn't love a cupcake? |
Frozen dress. |
That guy is goofy looking.. She loves it! |
Anna dress up.
Pb, N said this Kristoff doll looks like his "goofy twin brother" but she likes him, too! We love your big, happy smile in your b-day pictures. We love you! the merritts