Saturday, June 14, 2014

Starting goodbyes...

 Our 'time left in the states' has become a list of events to check off.  I hate that after each one, I think, "ok, _________ is next and then only ___ more weeks until Qatar."  I feel like I'm not really enjoying each event as I should because there are so many things pressing on me to get done.  I've been taking loads of pictures so that I can look back and enjoy them once we get settled and life calms down (if that ever happens).

Last week, A's co-workers had a farewell luncheon for him.  He has loved working at FWCS (local school district) and has gained a wealth of knowledge.  One of the receptionists called a month ago and invited me (kids too), so I had it on the calendar.  P woke up the morning of the luncheon not feeling well and we were traveling later in the day to Michigan, so I got her the only appointment available.  It just so happens, it was an hour before the luncheon, the doctor was running late, and we were late...  I hate being late.  We went anyway and the kids were so good despite the tummy bug.  They handed out cookies to everyone and, as usual, were the center of attention. 

They love to help.  They stuck stickers on each and every tag.
Putting the cookie bags together.

P and M walking with their Papa.
6 of the 9 cousins on Papa's hay bales.

After the luncheon, we packed up and headed to Michigan for a week of family fun.  It was the closest to relaxing I've done in a long time.  We hung out at the family farm, caught minnows in the creek, fed baby calves, danced, played, and enjoyed. 

It's hard to imagine how they will all grow and change in the next year that we'll spend apart. 

Since we arrived back at home, I've been tearing apart the closets.  Ugh.. closets.

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