Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A needed break.

Today was one of those days.  I've been packing and organizing in preparation for our final moving sale this weekend.  It's the 4th sale, I'm done with sales, and yet things must be gotten rid of.  To make it more complex, we still have to show the house to prospective buyers.  I finished the basement yesterday, which means the upper level has been neglected.  Yesterday, I told a friend, "I can't show the house this week, I just can't do it.  I think if the realtor calls, I'll turn them down.."

I woke up this morning to the task of finishing bringing this up from the basement and organizing the sun room (which contains things to sell on the left, things to ship on the right).  I was hoping to get started on the kitchen and maybe (just maybe) get the tables out for the sale.  It's a lot, but every day is crammed full for now.  To compound the stress of the move, I haven't had a decent night's sleep in months...  I'm beat.  But the show must go on.

I got a call about 10a.m. from the realtor..  "We've got a showing scheduled for 5:45 today.  Does that work?"..  Me:  "um yes, of course."  Hang up.  Tears. 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 (that's my 5 seconds to panic).  I got busy working on the kitchen (which always takes me the longest), got some laundry done, started working on the sun room, and dealt with the littles.  They were labeling their things, "Ship to Qatar."
I got a call at 11, "Would it be possible to switch that showing to tomorrow?"  Me, "YES!" Sigh of relief.

I dropped my kids off at a friends house, called A and had him meet me out for lunch.  We haven't been out since the fall (yes, it's been like 6 months).  We sat down and immediately started talking about something to do with the move, then (almost as quickly) made a rule not to talk about the move or selling our houses.  It took a bit of staring and smiling before we finally remembered that there were other things in life.

After lunch, A went back to work and I did a little shopping (packing tape and the like) by myself before heading home.  The house will get clean tonight, the packing will get done, but for just a few hours, I had a break.  It wasn't as long as I needed or wanted, but sometimes it's good just to take what you can get. 

Picked up the kids from my friend's house..

P: What did you have for lunch mom?
Me: I had a yummy salad.
P: oooooh, yum
Me: I went on a lunch date with daddy to a nice restaurant.
P: And you wore THAT???
Me: Um yeah.. It was just lunch honey.
P: Tell me daddy wore HIS handsome clothes...
Me: He came from work, he was wearing work clothing. I thought he looked handsome though.
P: ugh...

We didn't meet her ideas about a date, but it worked for us!

What do you do to recharge (with a short amount of time)?

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