Sunday, July 19, 2015

Back to Bloggin

Our laptop had been running very slowly for about the past ten months..  VERY S-L-OW-LY..  Starting up took at least twenty minutes, it was impossible to use wi-fi, every key stroke was accompanied by waiting.. and waiting... and waiting.  I like to blog, it's my way of processing things and keeping friends and family informed and involved in our life while we're away.  I blogged last year, but it was difficult with the computer's "issues."  We were going to take it in in Doha, but the guy I talked to indicated that it probably wouldn't be worth fixing due to the cost of parts etc...  We decided to stick out the year and attempt to get it fixed on our summer break.

We thought possibly it just needed extra RAM, so A ordered it and after a short youtube video, he popped it in and ... nothing..  No change, so we went ahead and took it in last week.

Boom..  hard drive was bad..  We had it replaced before we left the States, but apparently the guy who fixed it didn't use a new hard drive..  It only took a day and we're up and running like new again..  So now, we have a new hard drive and it's running SUPER fast!  Excellent..

Now I can really blog how I want.  I can't guarantee that I won't miss weeks, but I'll try..
I'm going to work on catching up on our summer travels, but the good thing is that we are spending the summer with a lot of my readers :)