Yes.. we're excited.
It's 108 degrees today.. not exactly conducive to getting the kids outside to run off the tremendous amounts of energy they wake up with. P called me into her room the other day to see what she was doing. I held back a scream when I walked in and found her at the top of her door frame, so proud.. She'd shimmied up the sides of the frame. M was on the other frame, and while his limbs are exactly long enough for shimmying, he was doing his best to monkey climb up the side. We're taking "climbing the walls" literally.

We're leaving a month earlier than A, who has to stay behind and finish out the school year. We wouldn't normally leave this early (even with the crazy temperatures), but we are attending the wedding (and I'm making the cake) of a dear friend from our Morocco teaching days. It didn't make sense to fly back here only to return a month later, so we get an extra month.
The three of us are pumped for the extra month... however... the getting there is cause for a bit of anxiety.. We head to the airport at 11pm for our first flight around 1 am to Germany (overnight). We have three hours in Germany before our next flight to Washington DC. We grab our luggage, get our rental car, stop for cake supplies (and the toy they are promised for keeping calm on the flights), and head to the hotel (where I start baking).
We have our essential oils (peace and calm and lavender for sleep), pillow/blanket combos, coloring pages, books, extra clothing, snacks, etc... We've been talking for weeks about how everything will go.. now we will see. I'm hoping that we'll get on the flight and after the usual food/drink service (Who needs that at 1 am???) the lights will get turned off and we will all sleep for several straight hours. The crew will serve breakfast and a short movie later, we land in Germany. We have three hours in Germany - perfect for a walk around, then settle in for toys and games before we get on the next flight. A couple movies, nap, lunch, and we'll be there... greeted by all of our luggage (cake making stuff inside). I realize, after writing this, that it's a bit delusional, but a girl can dream right?
Some mild concerns: getting everything into the airport without losing the kids (I can't do the airport goodbye, A must leave us at the curb.), the kids not sleeping on the plane (we have a history of not sleeping), bathroom visits (enough said), long flights with little movement, luggage arriving, driving to the hotel without getting lost.. and there's just handling both kids alone for days not at home..
I'll blog on the flip side and we'll see how it went..
One thing is certain, time will always pass.. we're going to make the best of it, even if it's not the best.